"My words in her mind: cold polished stones sinking through a quagmire."

-James Joyce

Friday, July 23, 2010

Race Baiting in Arizona

You know the old saying:  "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."  How true that is, and how well our current administration knows it. 

Why would the Department of Justice, with President Obama's encouragement, sue the state of Arizona for passing a law that almost exactly mirrors the existing federal immigration law? Why would they make allegations of racial profiling when clearly this law has been written in such a way as to avoid it?  Why did disapproving comments come out of the mouths of Nancy Pelosi, the Attorney General, President Obama, and others, admittedly before they had even read the (only 16 page) bill?  And why were Americans subjected to the ridiculous and unbelievable hypocrisy of the President of Mexico regarding Arizona's law? 

Because it doesn't matter, that's why.  It doesn't matter whether this bill is actually racist (it's not).  It doesn't matter if it actually violates civil liberties(it doesn't).  The truth is not what matters here.  What matters is that the charge of RACISM, no matter how false, is out there now, and it has gained the momentum that it was intended to gain.  It has created a furor of demonstrations and protests among Americans who don't understand that they are being used as pawns in an age-old political game.  It is ironic(and a little sad) that there were protests held recently in Washington D.C. against the Arizona law - but not the existing Federal law that is essentially the same.  It was all very silly, and I suspect if those protestors knew any better, they would be mightily embarrassed.  Unfortunately, those leading the charge do know better.  Misinformation and an uneducated public are powerful political tools.  (You can read the Federal law here, and the Arizona law here.)

So what is the true agenda?  Well, President Obama has made it clear that his comprehensive immigration reform would include amnesty for those who are currently here illegally.  And anyone who disagrees with this policy?  Well, that's when those cries of racism come in quite handy, and the stage is already set. 

Politics aside, what about compassion for the people living in the midst of such terrible conditions, particularly in Mexico?  As bad as it is in Mexico, there are places around the world that are much, much worse.  But for the people who live in those countries, coming to America is only possible through legal channels.  Why?  Because they don't have an unprotected stretch of desert that they can cross under the cover of darkness to get in.  For example, how is it fair to people like my friends from the Phillipines, for whom it took twenty years and untold sacrifice to come to the United States (legally), that others can break the law and be given automatic legal status for doing so?  Based on what?  Geography?  Race?

And speaking of the law, it is a dangerous thing to excuse one segment of the population from following the laws of our country.  By not enforcing our immigration laws, that is exactly what we are doing. 

We would all be up in arms if certain segments of the population were immune from the laws regarding breaking and entering or burglary.  What if a particular neighbor was allowed to break into your house over and over again and steal your things, and the police refused to do anything about it?  Would you take it upon yourself to put better locks on your doors and guard your property more carefully?  Would you stand on your front porch and try to stop anyone who tried to break in?  And what if you were called a racist for doing so?
What would that be like?  If you're not sure, just ask Arizona. They might have a pretty good idea. 

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